Parkhill School Mathematics Department
The maths department aims to equip our learners with the necessary mathematical skills to equip them to function effectively in everyday life. We provide a relevant, challenging, stimulating and enjoyable curriculum.
Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the department reflect the aims of the school.
Our aims and objectives are:
· develop a secure understanding of the concepts, principles and processes of mathematics and apply these in different contexts, including the world of work
· engage with more abstract mathematical concepts and develop important new kinds of thinking
· understand the application of mathematics, its impact on our society past and present, and its potential for the future
· develop essential numeracy skills which will allow me to participate fully in society
· establish firm foundations for further specialist learning
· understand that successful independent living requires financial awareness, effective money management, using schedules and other related skills
· interpret numerical information appropriately and use it to draw conclusions, assess risk, and make reasoned evaluations and informed decisions
· apply skills and understanding creatively and logically to solve problems, within a variety of contexts
· appreciate how the imaginative and effective use of technologies can enhance the development of skills and concepts.
Broad General Education
From S1 until the end of S3, all pupils will experience a broad general education where they will work across the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence.
In S1-3, all pupils currently attend Mathematics for five periods per week. They will also experience numeracy in all other subjects across the curriculum.
While all pupils benefit from a balanced curriculum, particular emphasis is placed on essential life skills such as the practical use of time, money, measurement and information handling to prepare the young people for successful transition to life in the community.
How Your Child Will Learn?
The Maths department aims to provide pupils with a wide range of teaching and learning experiences. Strategies include short spells of direct teaching and active learning where pupils are encouraged to play an active role in their own learning through the use of concrete materials such as whiteboards, real money, magnetic 3D/ 2D shapes and real clocks. The dedicated staff make lessons interesting and active using the most current ICT resources, including the use of Smartboards, relevant software, You Tube and I-Pads, consolidating learning in an enjoyable way.
Opportunities are also created for active learning both within the classroom and through educational outings into the community. These include using various modes of public transport and visits to shops, supermarkets, petrol stations and train stations; stimulating real life settings and problem solving.
The Maths department recognises that parents and carers are key partners in their child’s learning. Homework guides for parents have therefore been created for a range of Maths topics so that parents and carers can reinforce learning at home. These are easy to follow and demonstrate the learning and teaching strategies used in Maths lessons at school.
Senior Phase
In senior phase (S4-S6) pupils will begin working on Lifeskills Mathematics. This is the study of Mathematics in real-life contexts. It focuses on the areas of finance, statistics, data management, measurement and geometry and aims to equip learners with the mathematical skills and knowledge they will need in their everyday lives — both personally and in the workplace.
Why deliver qualifications in Lifeskills Mathematics?
By studying Lifeskills Mathematics, learners will develop their ability to use mathematical processes in real-life situations. This will enable them to:
• assess risk and make informed decisions about managing personal finances
• use measurements, diagrams and time management skills to plan practical projects
• interpret and analyse statistical information to draw conclusions.
A list of courses which we currently offer at Parkhill is listed below with more information available on the SQA website.
Course Information
Method of Assessment
Number Skills
National 1
Units are internally moderated and externally verified by the SQA
Purpose of Course:
The aims of this Course are to enable learners to:
· Build on the broad general education offered in S1 to S3 and allow learners to work towards qualifications that are appropriate to their needs.
· These Units continue to provide opportunities for personalised approaches to learning and assessment.
· National 1 qualifications are designed for learners who require additional support. They provide opportunities for learners to develop knowledge and skills, and to have their achievements certificated
Lifeskills Mathematics
National 2
· know when to use mathematics and numeracy in everyday situations
· select the most appropriate mathematical and numerical skills to tackle real-life situations
· use a range of numeracy skills involving number, money, time and measurement to make choices for personal life and life in the community
· recognise and use shape, space and data in everyday life
· interpret data and the results of calculations to make informed choices
National 3
· The aims of this Course are to enable learners to:
· interpret real-life situations involving mathematics
· investigate the use of basic mathematical ideas and number processes in real-life contexts
· select and apply basic mathematical and numeracy skills in real-life contexts
· interpret and use the results of calculations, measurements and data to make informed decisions
· communicate mathematical information in an appropriate way
National 4
The Course develops confidence in being able to handle mathematical processes and information in a range of real-life contexts. The Course also enables learners to make informed decisions based on data presented in a variety of forms.
The mathematical skills within this Course are underpinned by numeracy and are designed to develop learners’ skills in mathematical reasoning relevant to learning, life and work.
The Course aims to:
· motivate and challenge learners by enabling them to select and apply mathematical skills to tackle straightforward real-life problems or situations
· develop the ability to interpret straightforward real-life problems or situations involving mathematics
· develop confidence in the subject and a positive attitude towards the use of mathematics in straightforward real-life situations
· apply mathematical operational skills with an appropriate degree of accuracy
· use mathematical reasoning skills to assess risk, draw conclusions and explain decisions
Parkhill Secondary School 375 Cumbernauld Road, Glasgow, G31 3LP Phone: 0141 554 2765 Fax: 0141 554 0846 E-mail: