Parkhill School Nurture Department
Rational/Mission Statement
Parkhill School’s Nurture provision follows the guidelines outlined in “Towards a Nurturing City”. We aim to promote self -esteem, develop positive relationships, and increase access to learning for some of our more vulnerable pupils. Pupils are encouraged to develop their coping skills in order for them to access the curriculum and develop their self-worth. The Nurture Group offers short-term, structured intervention that seeks to allow young people to return to their full time curriculum accessing all areas of learning within 2-4 terms. Pupils are encouraged to share, trust and reflect together, supported by staff that are consistent and attentive in the support they offer. Parents are consulted in the initial process and their consent obtained. Thereafter, they are regularly updated with target setting and progress of their children.
Aims and Objectives
· all children are able to participate constructively
· all children feel emotionally secure and accommodating to others
· all children build secure attachments
· all children can develop their self confidence
· all children become aware of others feelings
· all children and young people, and their families, feel that they belong and that their lives and experiences are valued and respected
· all children and young people learn and develop and are supported as they move towards their chosen positive destinations
· all children and young people, and their families, feel that staff listen to their views and that, if disagreements arise, staff respond sensitively and thoughtfully and work to resolve them
· all staff understand the principles of nurture and how these relate to the experiences and development of children and young people
· a web of well-planned, appropriate and effective support is in place, through which staff, working in partnership with colleagues in health and in social work and with a range of other agencies and providers, ensure the needs of children and young people are met
· children and young people who experience barriers – of any kind – to their learning have their needs carefully and holistically assessed and have appropriate and effective planned interventions put in place as early as possible and, wherever possible, within their local communities
· services and partner agencies recognise, understand and value each other’s roles, responsibilities and expertise, plan and evaluate their work together and, as a result,
provide highly effective support for children, young people and families.
Parkhill Secondary School 375 Cumbernauld Road, Glasgow, G31 3LP Phone: 0141 554 2765 Fax: 0141 554 0846 E-mail: